Using libsodium in Lambda, with Clojure
I store some data in S3, like a lot of you probably do. And one of my requirements is that the data is encrypted. You might need that too.
Sodium is a new, easy-to-use software library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more.
Of the many ways to encrypt data, the one I chose is libsodium
. It’s simple to use, can be used in virtually any platform, and provides good encryption.
My Clojure programs use caesium to interact with the underlying libsodium
library. Encrypting is easy:
(defn encrypt
"Encrypt a message with the given key. The message can be in any form that can be converted into a byte-array."
[plaintext k]
(-> plaintext
(msb/secretbox-nmr k)))
And so is decrypting:
(defn decrypt
"Decrypt a message with the given key. The ciphertext can be in any form that can be converted into a byte-array."
[ciphertext k]
(-> ciphertext
(msb/open k)))
Oh! Do you want to know something weird? Apparently, something about Lambda’s environment doesn’t like emojis in your code:
"errorMessage": "Error loading class app.handler: caesium/binding$✨",
"errorType": "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"
So caesium needed a quick fix to not do that.
The key needs to be a byte array, but I need to pass environment variables in as a string, so I need a way to convert the key to/from a hex string.
(defn hex->bytes
"Convert a hex string to a byte-array."
(DatatypeConverter/parseHexBinary hex))(defn bytes->hex
"Convert a byte-array to a hex string."
(DatatypeConverter/printHexBinary bytes))
And all that works great … as long as libsodium
is installed on the computer where your program is running. But when you’re running in Lambda, it isn’t. So we need to package a native dependency in our JAR, where we can use it.
The first thing we need to do is build libsodium
for Lambda’s particular version of Linux. I can’t just package up the binary from my Mac and expect it to run in Lambda!
To build it, I created a new EC2 instance running the same AMI that Lambda uses: Amazon Linux AMI 2017.03.1.20170812 x86_64 HVM GP2
. It doesn’t need to be a very big instance, since all we’re going to be doing with it is compiling.
sudo yum install -y gcc gcc-c++
tar xzf libsodium-1.0.15.tar.gz
cd libsodium-1.0.15
sudo make install
Now we have a libsodium binary installed on our server. Let’s make sure it works!
#include <sodium.h>void main(void) {
if (sodium_init() < 0) {
// panic
printf("libsodium failed\n");
return 1;
} printf("libsodium succeeded\n");
return 0;
Let’s compile and run that dumb little program:
gcc test.c -lsodium -L/usr/local/lib
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./a.out
Great. Now, I grab /usr/local/lib/
from the server using scp, and I need to put it in my JAR. Checking out the execution environment, I see that LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Contains /lib64, /usr/lib64, LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT, LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT/lib. Used to store helper libraries and function code.
Contains the path to your Lambda function code.
For a Clojure project, that means I need the binary in resources/lib
$ tree resources/
├── lib
│ ├── ->
│ ├── ->
│ └──
That’s a file at
(which we built in EC2), and a couple of symlinks pointing to it.
Now lein uberjar
gets me a JAR that includes libsodium
, and caesium
will see it in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
just as if it were installed normally.
And because it encrypts/decrypts byte arrays, I can secure files that contains JSON just as easily as files that contain binary data like images. (I do both of those.) And because I’m using libsodium
, I can transparently use this from any execution environment (whether my code is running in Lambda or on a more traditional server or locally), and from any platform (Clojure, or Go, or something else if I were some kind of monster who wrote in something other than one of those).
Pretty nice!